
Function Sofa LS1742
Function Sofa LS1742
Function Sofa LS1742
Function Sofa LS1742
Function Sofa LS1742 LS1742
Design features:

Red brown leather with copper nail has classic American style    

Functional characteristics:

Headrest electric adjustment function

Seat support electric function

Function control panel

Handrail copper nail trim

Use the scene:


The whole appearance is heavy but not obvious, concise and not simple. Deep coffee genuine leather and brass tacks are decorated with luxury and dignity. The electric mechanism goes with the headrest and the waist pillow, makes it adjustable and meet the human spine to adapt to different angles of comfort experience.



Function Sofa LS1742

Function Sofa LS1742
Function Sofa LS1742

Function Sofa LS1742
Function Sofa LS1742
Function Sofa LS1742
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