
Function Sofa LS1730
Function Sofa LS1730
Function Sofa LS1730
Function Sofa LS1730
Function Sofa LS1730 LS1730
Design features:

backrest is designed to "井", saddle-shaped seat, armrest removable,manual operation sofa

Functional characteristics:

Cushion shape of automobile seat

Seat support electric function

The manual handle

Use the scene:


Double-layer armrest and soft handrail shape design shows full and noble. Seat design adopts the car chair shape to make the seat feeling more comfortable, combining the comfort of the back makes good enjoyment.



Function Sofa LS1730

Function Sofa LS1730
Function Sofa LS1730

Function Sofa LS1730
Function Sofa LS1730
Function Sofa LS1730
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